aaa sedihnye.. nape ni.. today tetibe rase nak makan time lunch.. nak ajak najwa.. tapi tak boleh.. aku kena minum jusmate.. pastu rase macam tak nak minum je ri ni.. mane boleh.. nisa pliz tahan nafsu ok.. ingat target ko!

Created by MyFitnessPal - Free Calorie Counter
Thursday, December 31, 2009
semalam tengok hallmark pastu ade orang dalam tb cakap..
being fat is invisible

Posted by Nisa~ at 9:26 AM 0 comments
Labels: kata hati, menu hari ini
Tuesday, December 29, 2009
encik Jalal, bersabarlah~
aish.. ape pulak tetiba jalal ni.. well.. die baru pas sound aku.. ee geramnye.. kadang2 kite nak mintak disupport.. tapi die gi blame macam2.. tak suke la.. pliz la syg.. i need ur support.. tolong la percaye.. tapi silap orang jugak kan.. banyak kali janji tapi tak buat.. tapi pliz jangan hukum org macam ni.. tensen ok.. pliz..
n tolong la percaye.. kali ni orang siyes sangat.. bulan may ni orang akan capai target.. HOPEFULLY~
Posted by Nisa~ at 7:57 PM 0 comments
Labels: hi sayang =P
saya sekarang~
saje nak upload pics aku sekarang.. bile target dah capai nanti.. pics2 ni jadi kenangan la... wah berangan lagi.. tapi tak pe.. nisa boleh yeah come on..see see betapa gemuknya aku.. semua nak besar.. lansung takde part kecik... shape pun takde.. tapi takpe.. skit2 semua tu mengecik la.. hehe.. tunggu la perubahan aku nanti ok!
Posted by Nisa~ at 12:50 PM 5 comments
Labels: pembakar semangat
123 days until my target reach~
yee haa.. kamikaze betul aku.. ceh macam la berani mati sangat.. tak cukup dengan ticker weight aku tambah lagi countdown.. anyway aku HOPE sgt.. lagi 123 hari.. berat aku mencapai target yg sepatutnye.. kalo melebihi target lagi bagus.. asal jangan tak sampai target.. nanti aku sedih~ anyway..possible ke nak turunkan 25 kg dalam mase 4 bulan.. kite tunggu dan lihat ok... kalau la tak dapat.. aku wat la contdown baru.. ceh main tipu! =P
maka officially.. countdown pun bermula.. tetttttt
Posted by Nisa~ at 10:31 AM 0 comments
Labels: pembakar semangat
Losyen mustajab pati halia extra hot~
tak tau la orang lain kan.. tapi as for me.. benda ni agak berkesan.. dulu2 aku rajin sapu losyen ni kat bawah dagu.. dagu berlapis la katakan.. n time tu memang dagu aku jadi satu.. but lame jugak aku stop sejajar dengan diet aku.. so dagu aku pun berlapis la balik.. bukan maknanya kita kena bergantung kat benda ni.. macam aku, bile aku tak diet aku akan makan dengan banyak nye macam syaiton.. seriesly.. so thats why la berat badan aku boleh naik medadak.. tapi sekarang aku nak sambung guna balik.. n as u can see above.. ada losyen baru yeay.. extra hot pulak tu.. bestnye!!!
Posted by Nisa~ at 10:02 AM 2 comments
Labels: supplement
air kosong sedap tapi~
bukan tak suke air kosong.. bukan malas.. tapi tak ingat.. bile next day baru teringat yang betapa kurang nye air kosong aku minum semalam. tapi susahla.. nape ye.. beli la produk pape pun.. key kejayaan die still minum air kosong.. makan la ubat papepun.. kalo kurang minum air kosong tetap tak jalan.. pliz bagi idea macam mana nak minum dengan banyak n konsistem tanpa kerap ke toilet.. heh tak mungkin~
Posted by Nisa~ at 9:54 AM 0 comments
Labels: tips n tricks
kurus cara Aidalina~
- Restrict your food. Like it or not, weight loss has to begin with this, the less you eat, the less calories you’ll earn, so your readily activities can burn more energy. So begin with this. No need to take a mammoth step, try with little step first. If you usually eat one scoop of rice, try half. This little difference will surely give large impact
- Move. Not necessarily exercise or sports. But simply move. Be mobile. Park far from your destination, walk, take the stairs instead of elevator. Go window shopping. A 2 hours window shopping compared to 40 minutes jogging=which 1 is more fun? =) so, move!!
- Drink lots and lots of plain water. Make this your only water. With 0 calorie, drink this before you start ur meal, this will control your food intake after that. Plus, this will save up your calories intake. You can’t save on the food, sacrifice on the drink, lost some, gain some. =)
- Buy a scale. But dun weigh yourself too often. Try every 3 days.Having a scale is like giving urself a reminder everytime not to over eat
- Share! Always share your meal with your friends, not only you eat less, but you can make your friends happy! =)
- Drink green tea, this can increase your metabolism
- Take whole body pics everyday, also to monitor your weight.
- Do not ever skip breakfast because this will cause you to eat more towards the end of the day which is a no2! So, no harm having a heavy breakfast, instead of a heavy dinner
- Exercise! In whatever exercise that defines you.
- Count your calories. Roughly. So you know when you go overboard. Like bun=200kcal,milo=130kcal, roughly. Always go for the round, more figure. If its 185 kcal, round it up to 200kcal, so, you will stop when actually you are taking up less. =) Try to stop before your reach 200kcal per day.
- Start now, not tommorow, not lusa, tulat, next week.
- This is not about losing weight per se, its about Loving and being kind to your body, eating unhealthily will cause you lethargy, begin slowly. Do not expect speedy result. This is all about WILLPOWER3, NOT TOO AMBITIOUS & REALISTIC !!
Posted by Nisa~ at 9:30 AM 0 comments
Labels: tips n tricks
day 7~
omaigod.. tak tau la ni dosa ke ape.. eh i mean kesalahan dalam diet ke.. aku tadi makan keropok lekor ok! actually, kalau bace diet review.. untuk membakar kalori kena amek at least 1200 kcal per day.. today aku baru makan :
Posted by Nisa~ at 9:15 AM 0 comments
Labels: menu hari ini
Monday, December 28, 2009
kenapa saya nak kurus?
well banyak sebabnye.. tapi tonite malas nak tulis.. aku just nak upload pics few anak gadis yang berjaya turunkan berat badan diorang.. mereka sangat hebat ok.. sangat kagum.. sabarlah nisa.. one day ko akan jadi macam mereka..
ps : in case one day owner pics ni terjumpa pics mereka.. sorry.. bukan stalking tp inspiring =P.. tak suke bitau.. i delete pics ni.. thanks!
Posted by Nisa~ at 11:24 PM 0 comments
Labels: pembakar semangat
sekarang bermula~
diet ni bosan.. nak tak nak terpaksa.. sebab banyak mulut2 yang lagi suka mengeji dari menyokong.. even aku selesa dengan diri aku tapi sebab mulut2 orang aku rase hidup aku sucks, dull wutsoeva... bile balik kampung tak kisah la belah mane pun.. seems like kegemukan aku menjadi topik terhangat. whut da? so starting from now (actually last tuesday).. aku akan berdiet dengan series..
well bosan kan dengar nisak diet coz benda tu macam mitos (bak kata jalal).. tapi sampai bile nak hidup macam ni.. i mean hidup dikeji bukan hidup dalam kegemukan.. so mulai sekarang aku akan buktikan yang aku betul2 akan kurus one day.. kali ni aku tak nak kecoh cakap aku berdiet.. sebab aku bosan dengan "tak payah la diet nisa.. ko diet pun tak jadi".. ok fine.. get lost..
ok la.. this is not what i plan to write.. menyimpang jauh ni tapi takpe la.. blog ni untuk aku je yang baca.. one day maybe orang lain akan bace.. tu pun after aku dah mencapai target yang aku nak.. so sahabat.. by the time u read this.. yes! i had lost 25 kg.. (omaigod brangan gile as aku tulis ni on 27 dec 2009)=D
Posted by Nisa~ at 11:14 PM 0 comments
Labels: kata hati